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"Inspiring Confidence Worldwide"

Pop Haydn’s Color-Changing Knives


This beautiful set of knives is perfect for the Whit Haydn routine for the color-changing knives – The Intricate Web of Distraction. The set of three knives includes one that is black with a ‘stag horn’ type finish, and one that is your choice of  ‘white pearl’ or ‘stagg white’ smooth finish, and the gimmicked knife. These three knives have the ‘rough and smooth’ textures that are so essential to this routine.


This beautiful set of knives is perfect for the Whit Haydn routine for the color-changing knives – The Intricate Web of Distraction. The set of three knives includes one that is black with a ‘stag horn’ type finish, and one that is a ‘white pearl’ smooth finish, and the gimmicked knife. These three knives have the ‘rough and smooth’ textures that are so essential to this routine. They are manufactured for us by Joe Mogar.

“Bottom line: If you are looking for a set of terrific black and white color changing knives that look like you bought them at a fine hunting and fishing store (without the novel red/yellow colors), these are the best I’ve seen in a long, long time.” Danny Orleans, Genii Magazine

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