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"Inspiring Confidence Worldwide"

Pop Haydn’s Multiple Peeked Cards to Pocket – DVD


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This is Pop Haydn's newest offering, a high-quality 40 minute teaching DVD that explains the handling and moves as well as the presentation of this wonderful and hard-hitting routine.

This is a full-explanation, and the moves are explained, but this is intended for the advanced card handler. It is challenging.


When you purchase the DVD, you receive the Download/Streaming Video for FREE


When you purchase the DVD, you receive the Download/Streaming Video for FREE


This is Pop Haydn’s newest offering, a high-quality 40 minute teaching DVD that explains the handling and moves as well as the presentation of this wonderful and hard-hitting routine.

This is a full-explanation, and the moves are explained, but this is intended for the advanced card handler. It is challenging.

Nevertheless, the routine has so many clever moves and ruses, and such strong misdirection, timing and structure, that it is fun to watch and educational even for the beginner.

In this routine, a deck is shuffled by the spectators, and then two cards are peeked by two different spectators, and the magician immediately names both cards. Two more cards are peeked, and instantly they are removed from two different pants pockets.

Two cards are peeked again, and this time they vanish from the deck, only to appear in the wrong pockets. They instantly and invisibly jump back to the correct pockets.

Now the magician narrows it down to just one peeked card, and the card ends up in the pocket without a hint as to how it got there. It returns several times in an unbelievable manner, and then suddenly the entire deck jumps to the pocket and is brought out in a fan.

Many useful moves and ideas from Eddie Fechter, Johnny Paul, Dr Jacob Daley, Larry Jennings, Francis Carlyle and Dai Vernon are explained and demonstrated.

This is a truly outstanding routine. Pop teaches not only the exact moves he uses, but also teaches simpler methods that can accomplish the same things.

This is a show-piece of amazing and baffling magic that engages and astounds the most jaded crowd.


When you purchase the DVD, you receive the Download/Streaming Video for FREE

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